Bloos Agents

Quick Start to becoming a Bloos Agent


Benefits of joining our cosmetics direct selling business as an independent representative includes empowerment, flexibility, financial independence, community, and personal growth.

Become a Bloos agent today!


Step 1: Registration

Fill in the online registration form.

Step 2: Password security

Receive an email that allows you to set up your password.  Log into your account and go to your Agent Dashboard and you are ready for business.

Step 3: Start Ordering

You are now ready to order, for your self, friends and family at 20% discount.

Step 4: Start Selling

You can now sell Bloos products to customers around the country and generate a minimum of 20% commission going up to 30%.  All you need is send them a link to the online store, or a link to a shopping basket that they just need to pay.

No costs or minimum orders

There are no upfront costs or minimum orders that you need to comply with.

Free Training Support & Updates

We provide you with product training, sales training, product updates, and answer your questions.  We hold your hand as you build your business, and we will show you how to grow your business going forward.


Reasons others joined the Bloos Agency opportunity.



We believe in providing women with the tools, resources, and support they need to succeed on their own terms. By becoming an independent representative, women have the opportunity to take charge of their careers, set their own schedules, and achieve their personal and professional goals.

Whether it’s earning extra income to support their families, pursuing a passion for beauty and cosmetics, or gaining valuable entrepreneurial experience, our business empowers women to chart their own paths to success.



Flexibility is another key advantage of joining our cosmetics direct selling business. As an independent representative, women have the freedom to work when and where it’s most convenient for them. Whether they’re balancing work with family responsibilities, pursuing higher education, or simply seeking a more flexible lifestyle, our business allows women to tailor their schedules to fit their needs.

This flexibility not only promotes work-life balance but also enables women to pursue their other passions and interests outside of work.


Financial Independence

Financial independence is a cornerstone of our cosmetics direct selling business. Unlike traditional employment opportunities that may offer limited earning potential, our business empowers women to take control of their financial futures. By earning commissions on their sales and building their own customer base, independent representatives have the opportunity to generate substantial income and achieve financial security.

Whether they’re looking to supplement their current income, save for the future, or achieve financial freedom, our business provides women with the tools and support they need to reach their financial goals.



Community is an integral part of our cosmetics direct selling business. As independent representatives, women become part of a supportive and inclusive community of like-minded individuals who share a passion for beauty and entrepreneurship. Through training events, conferences, and online forums, independent representatives have the opportunity to connect with and learn from others in the industry, share best practices, and build lasting relationships. 

This sense of community not only fosters personal and professional growth but also provides women with a strong support system to help them navigate the challenges and celebrate the successes of their entrepreneurial journey.


Personal Growth

Personal growth is a central focus of our cosmetics direct selling business. By stepping outside of their comfort zones, taking on new challenges, and honing their skills, independent representatives have the opportunity to develop personally and professionally.

Whether it’s learning sales and marketing techniques, mastering the art of customer service, or building leadership skills, our business provides women with a platform for continuous learning and growth.



In conclusion, joining Bloos Cosmetics direct selling team as an independent representative offers women a host of benefits, including empowerment, flexibility, financial independence, community, and personal growth.



Become a Bloos agent today!